Despite the strengths and historical dominance of quantitative research in the health care domain, the importance of rigorous qualitative research as both a complement to, and a mechanism for, augmenting quantitative methods is increasingly being recognized and used across health-related disciplines. PRECISIONheor’s Suepattra May-Slater, Meaghan Roach and Richard Murphy explain why it’s essential to augment the hard data from quantitative research with the patient-related soft data generated from qualitative research.
What does it mean to be patient-centered in health economics?
Drug pricing has become a hot-button issue in recent years in the US. Reducing health care spending, and pharmaceutical spending in particular, is one of the few areas of bipartisan agreement in a time of increasingly divisive bipartisanship. A popular argument is the notion of aligning prices with value, and so “cost-effectiveness models,” a fairly wonky concept, has entered the mainstream lexicon. Jacki Chou discusses the juxtaposition between cost-effective care and patient-centered care, as approaches in health economics begin to shift.
PRECISIONheor’s Featured CNS/Neuro Publications
We have compiled some of the important work PRECISIONheor experts have recently contributed to in the CNS/Neuro space. Click here to download our free, interactive PDF to learn more about some of these impactful studies in modeling, evidence synthesis, and other critical topics.