PHE in Health Affairs, Value in Health, NBC News, and more…
Health Affairs Blog Article on Patient-Centered Formularies
PHE Senior Director Jason Shafrin and Director Mark Linthicum published an article on the importance of accounting for patient heterogeneity in formulary design and the potential use of tools to help payers understand and assess patient-centered value.
Health Affairs Blog Article on Components of Value Frameworks
PHE Scientific Advisor Anupam Jena, along with Lauren Neves and Randy Burkholder, published an article in the Health Affairs Blog on April 16, 2018, on the importance of capturing comprehensive components of the value of medical innovations in value frameworks.
Value in Health Study on the Impact of Improved Mobility
PHE researchers quantified the impact of improved mobility on using PHE’s proprietary microsimulation THEMIS, finding that improvements in mobility are likely to lead to significant reductions in medical expenditures and nursing home utilization and significant increases in employment.
Jason Shafrin Interviewed for NBC News
PHE Senior Director Jason Shafrin was interviewed by Martha White for NBC News on the Cigna-Express Scripts Merger, commenting on the potential risk of the merger for impeding patient access to innovative therapies.
Cigna Express Scripts Merger Could Be Welcome Medicine — for Shareholders
Pharmaceutical Executive Article on the Role of Pharmaceutical Companies in Value Assessment
PHE’s Ross Maclean and Jeroen Jansen published an article in Pharmaceutical Executive on the role of pharmaceutical companies in conducting transparent and relevant evaluations of value, advocating an open-source approach to conducting cost-effectiveness evaluations.
Transparent and Relevant Evaluations of Value: An Active Role for Pharma