Recently published research and thought leadership.

PHE’s Huber Leads New Study on Social, Economic Impacts of 2014 Ebola Crisis

Led by Caroline Huber, Associate Director of Policy and Economics, a surprising new study was recently published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, estimating the overlooked social, economic, and health impacts of the 2013-2016 West Africa Ebola crisis. 

Along with her colleagues, Dr. Huber estimated that overall costs of the Ebola outbreak totaled more than $53 billion, exceeding previous estimates by more than $20 billion. Factoring in deaths from non-Ebola causes during this period, the study provides valuable new data on the overall impact of the crisis and identified specific costs missed by other accountings to determine the overall global costs of the unprecedented outbreak.

To read more about the study and the findings of Dr. Huber and her research team, read the complete article:  The Economic and Social Burden of the 2014 Ebola Outbreak in West Africa. In addition, a concise summary of the study can be found on the Science Speaks blog.

Mayo Clinic Proceeding Article on Misconceptions in Cancer Drug Pricing

PHE’s Desi Peneva and Bapu Jena partnered with researchers from the Mayo Clinic and Celgene to outline important economic trade-offs and misconceptions regarding cancer drug pricing and value.

The Importance of Economic Trade-offs in Cancer Drug Pricing

Journal of Medical Economics Article on Rapid Diagnostics for Rheumatoid Arthritis

PHE published a study in collaboration with Genalyte on the potential value of rapid, cloud-enabled, onsite laboratory testing for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. The study found that this technology could generate value of over $5000 per evaluated patient-year. The study was led by Kata Bognar, Jason Shafrin, Michelle Brauer, Lauren Zhao, and Bapu Jena.

The potential value of rapid, cloud-enabled onsite testing for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis in the United States. Journal of Medical Economics, 2018.

 Viewpoint Article on Making Precision Benefit Design Patient Centered

Jason Shafrin published a viewpoint article in the Journal of Clinical Pathways that explored potential opportunities and challenges in allowing insurance benefit designs to be more heterogeneous to capture the greatest value to the individual patient.

Making precision benefit design patient-centered. Journal of Clinical Pathways. 2018; 4(7):41-43.

AMCP Partnership Forum Articles on Precision Medicine and Patient-Reported Outcomes

PHE’s Caroline Huber collaborated with the Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) to publish articles on managed care in the era of precision medicine and on use of patient-reported outcomes.

AMCP Partnership Forum: Managing care in the wave of precision medicine. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy. 2018; 24(7): 583-588.

AMCP Partnership Forum: Improving quality, value, and outcomes with patient-reported outcomes. Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy. 2018; 24(3): 304-310.